Has anyone got a Hopf Studio Bass, or any history about the Hopf bass in general. I,ve started this blog to gather all relevant details about the HOPF STUDIO BASS, I believe it was made in the 1960's.
the singer/bassist Lemmy of Motorhead had one when he played in the band Hawkwind, please see attached photo's.
If you have a Hopf Studio Bass Please feel free to attach photo's of you and your Hopf bass and any history regarding how you acquired your bass, your likes and dis-likes. Just let it all out don't be shy and bashful.
I've been looking for a Hopf Studio Bass, but the research says I'm not going to get one. If I can get as many people as possible involved in getting all the existing owners and previous owners together we can break down the figures of existing Hopf Studio Bass left.
If I cant find one for myself I will collect all the measurements from where ever possible then make one for myself. Watch this space for future developments
All feedback is welcome, no matter how ever small
Alan J Boyle